
The Sons of Thunder is a Christian band and part of a larger, growing group of average guys who have decided to take a stand for Christ and work on becoming better husbands and fathers - yes, even sons.

The Sons of Thunder was hatched about 5 years ago. This group often leads/joins a larger group of men in study and prayer and seeks to serve the wider community.

Based in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, SOT has been known to tackle a range of projects - everything from home maintenance chores to helping move immigrant families. In 2008, the group did some missions work in NYC serving, playing and singing at the Bowery Mission. As is often the case, those who went to 'minister' were 'ministered to'. When the praises go up...the blessings come down!

If you live on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, look us up at Bridgewater Baptist Church. And feel free to invite us to lead or participate in your event. We love road trips! Rock on!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

That Burning feeling ain't hemoroids....

I asked myself what I thought was a simple question today and from that came a whole bunch of other stuff that could fill 10 posts on this Blog but lets just start with the one.

Do I want my boys to be just like me?

Not in a stay-at-home dad, David Jr. kind of way but as a husband, father, Christian man kind of way.  The answer to the first couple was easy.  Yes I think I am a good husband and a decent father so that wouldn't be a bad thing if they were like me.  What about the Christian man part though?  What kind of Christian man am I?  Do I set an example, any example to them in that regard or do I blend in.  Am I lost in the crowd of people where you cannot tell one man from another, a non-believer from a follower of Christ?  This goes back to the Clark Kent vs. Superman thing that Tom talked about and I have had on my heart since NYC but I want to take that a few more rungs up the ladder.
Do I set an example, as a Christian man for anyone?  Is there anyone I know, scratch that, is there anyone I don't know, that can see me, hear me,watch me and say, that is a good man, a leader, a Christian.  Certainly up until a few weeks ago I think the answer would be nope. 

 I feel that today, God placed on my heart, told me in a way that only God can, that it is time for not just me but us, the Sons of Thunder, to stand up as Christian men in our Church, take off the Clark Kent glasses and suit and show others that we are in fact Supermen.  That we are to take the fire that is burning in each one of us now, the fire that started to burn the minute we got back from NYC (yes Robb you've got it too brother), and use it to bring together the men of our Church.  Some of us have had a number of men come up to us and ask how they can get on this ride that we're on.  What do we say to them, New York City 2009 here we come?  I hope we go next year but that's next year.  What do we say to these men now?  The fire is burning and I don't want it to go out.  I feel like God wants us to take these men and make them a part of the Sons of Thunder.  Let us be 20, 30 ,40 strong and just watch what we can do.  I want to stand up with my brothers, be the leaders that we are supposed to be in our homes, our community and our Church.  Then I'll be able to say, yes, I would love it if my boys were just like me.


Legs and Wings said...

That is such a powerful message David and, I suppose, it has been on my heart as well for many years. When men put their hearts into it - things happen. You guys are proof of that. As I said on Friday night, you guys came back from NYC as changed men. You were the ones who were ministered to and how can we keep silent? Let that superman emblem show!

I wonder how many people will be google searching hemoroids and find this blog? That's funny...great post David. I love it man.

Anonymous said...

During the service on the Sunday you were in NYC, Julie requested prayer for a group of good strong men to come forward. I envision strong, proud Christian men stepping up and looking up... dozens of them, all Sons of Thunder.

"Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give them our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word." (Acts 2:3-4)

And then...

"So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith." (Acts 2:7)


Anonymous said...

And so it begins.