
The Sons of Thunder is a Christian band and part of a larger, growing group of average guys who have decided to take a stand for Christ and work on becoming better husbands and fathers - yes, even sons.

The Sons of Thunder was hatched about 5 years ago. This group often leads/joins a larger group of men in study and prayer and seeks to serve the wider community.

Based in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, SOT has been known to tackle a range of projects - everything from home maintenance chores to helping move immigrant families. In 2008, the group did some missions work in NYC serving, playing and singing at the Bowery Mission. As is often the case, those who went to 'minister' were 'ministered to'. When the praises go up...the blessings come down!

If you live on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, look us up at Bridgewater Baptist Church. And feel free to invite us to lead or participate in your event. We love road trips! Rock on!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sons of Thunder at New Minas Baptist

Here's a clip of the Sons of Thunder at New Minas Baptist in the Annapolis Valley. We joined Chelsea Nisbett and The Cusack Boys in concert to help celebrate the expansion of CJLU (88.3 FM) in the valley. What a great night!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Brothers (thoughts from an only child)

Sorry it's been so long since the last post. Crazy long in fact and that's not cool. We'll have to get more guys helping out and posting soon.

Lots has happened since the last post. The band has had a few gigs, lots of practices, lots of prayers, ups and downs. In the end, we always recognize that we are blessed.

I wanted to share an observation with you. It may seem silly but I think it is important because as men, we simply don't share this information.

On July 22nd the band played at Long Lake Camp, I thought it was one of our best sets. I felt really comfortable and as always, I feed off the encouragement I get from the guys and they were as encouraging and fun to jam with as ever.

Shortly after though I went to Ontario to join up with my family that was already there on vacation. What I've noticed over the last two weeks of really being out of contact with my Christian Brothers is that I miss them and I need them.

I know that they are always there for me and I'm not in a place right now where I need them to carry me or help me with a specific problem. I just miss my boys and the fellowship that we have. As men, sometimes we are just "too cool" to say that. We don't need anybody right? Come on.

These are my brothers and I guess it never really hit me until this past week just how large a part of my life they are. It's an amazing thing, to have a group of friends like this, it truly is. We don't talk on the phone everyday, we don't email back and forth all the time or even see each other much outside of band/church goings on BUT, they are close by if I ever need them and there is so much comfort in that. As men, we need to accept the fact that we cannot do everything, we need to lean on people, we need brothers. Even just knowing that they are there IF you need them can be what it takes to get you through whatever it is you're going through.

My point is that we need to stop thinking it's un-cool to be a man and need your friends or miss your friends.

To my Sons of Thunder Brothers, I missed you and thank God everyday that you are in my life.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rock n' Talk

I think each Church has the same problem. A lack of men. Now some people would jokingly say that's not a problem at all but in reality it's a very big problem.

As men we set an example for our sons, our daughters, our wives and others. We may not think we do and maybe we don't want to, but let's face it we do. When I look around my Church, it saddens me to see just how many wives arrive without their husbands, how many sons and daughters arrive without their fathers. The men of the Church are a dying breed I'm afraid.

I used to be one of those. I used to not want anyone to know that I went to Church. There were many many years where I didn't go to Church and I know all too well how after a few short weeks of not going, just how easy it is to stop going. The problem with that is, if I don't go, who am I to ask my kids to go. I don't want to be a hypocrite. Do you? If our kids don't go, then how long will it be before the Church itself begins to die?

In an attempt to demonstrate to the men of various communities that Church isn't filled with non-stop preaching, stories of doom and gloom and being told we can do no right, the Sons of Thunder are hoping to start a Rock n' Talk series.

Catchy isn't it?

Our hope is to show the men who don't attend Church services with their wives or kids that there are many ways you can worship the Lord. For the SOT, one of those ways is to Rock. We crank it up and sing Praises to Jesus Christ and it is an awesome feeling. We truly believe it is also very pleasing to the Lord and that makes it so much better. No we don't get to play every Sunday, and that's not a bad thing but my point is that during the course of an 1 hour Church service, there is more to it than many think. Music, prayer, message, scripture and fellowship. There is something for everyone.

Our plan is to put on a number of concerts that have a few breaks in them for testimony, maybe a verse or two and a chance to talk with others about God. No pressure, no sales pitch, just a good time with (we hope) good music.

Recently I have felt a strong pull, the Lord is telling me to share my story and that's what I want to do. It's nothing fancy, nobody is going to turn it into a movie or anything but of course that's not the point. We all long for acceptance and if each of us in the band can share with a group of men our story then there is a very good chance that someone else may have a similar story and realize they are not alone. We are a success story because we are saved. Each one of the SOT have come to the Lord and we are saved and that is how we measure our success.

We hope to have more information soon as our plans are put in place but in the meantime, tell us what you think. Help us reach out and help bring others to Christ.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lately and Upcoming

Lately, we've had a couple of really fun gigs including a loud youth Coffee House at our home church - Bridgewater Baptist. Lots of great stuff including a passionate talk from Pastor Dennis Nickerson, The Green Reflectors, Bridging The Gap, Chris & Jonny, Ali and her mandolin, Greg & Erica, our excellent friends at Open Bible Church, the mom and her two sons who cranked out a few tunes on guitar and drums and Bub's Puppets. And, of course, our colourful pastor Rev. Sarah Scott who emceed the whole affair.

SOT also played a full concert at Pleasantville Baptist at the end of February. Here's the set list:

There are a few things on the horizon including a "Kitchen Party" on March 8th at Bridgewater Baptist. We'll keep you posted.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Today we remember our friend Dawn.  God needs her in heaven and so today she went home.  For us it is a sad day but for Dawn it is the beginning of another journey.  

Take comfort my friends that there is no doubt that she is with the Lord.  There is no question she is now where she wanted to be when her work on Earth was done.  As tough as these times are, there should be some comfort knowing where she is.  There is no guessing at that.

As we mourn the loss of our dear friend please let none of us forget John, Matt, Adam, Paige and Bailey in our prayers.  Please, when you are done reading this, ask the Lord for his hand on the Collins family as well as all the people who prayed so hard for Dawn.  

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Call

Today I am asking for all your help. We have a brother who needs us. All of us and no matter how busy you are, everyone can space 1 minute.

I am asking everyone to take a moment and pray for our dear friend and brother John. John's wife is in need of a miracle and it just so happens that our Lord is in the miracle business. We will continue to pray for Dawn as I'm sure most of you who know them will but as we are all concerned about Dawn and desperate for her recovery, let's now forget that John needs strength too.

John is the kind of person who can put a smile on anyones face. He will tell you a story, entertain you and make you laugh. He's the kind of person that make you feel tired just watching him running around Town working as hard as anyone I have ever met.

These are hard times though and John needs us. We need to put a moment aside, ask God to help John, give him strength, hope and faith. We are all Sons of Thunder, in this together and when one brother is down we're all down.

So before you leave work or go to bed today, ask God to help Dawn AND John.

Our Brother.