
The Sons of Thunder is a Christian band and part of a larger, growing group of average guys who have decided to take a stand for Christ and work on becoming better husbands and fathers - yes, even sons.

The Sons of Thunder was hatched about 5 years ago. This group often leads/joins a larger group of men in study and prayer and seeks to serve the wider community.

Based in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, SOT has been known to tackle a range of projects - everything from home maintenance chores to helping move immigrant families. In 2008, the group did some missions work in NYC serving, playing and singing at the Bowery Mission. As is often the case, those who went to 'minister' were 'ministered to'. When the praises go up...the blessings come down!

If you live on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, look us up at Bridgewater Baptist Church. And feel free to invite us to lead or participate in your event. We love road trips! Rock on!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

Here's proof that testimonies can be brief.


Nikki said...

Very powerful! Mine could read:

Abused and Broken

Loved and COMPLETE, in Him.

:) Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

That was amazing. I was moved to tears. mine would read:

Lost and wandering with no light to guide me.

On the path to glory, following His road.

Robb that was so great I would love to see that on a Sunday.

Anonymous said...

What a powerful tool, to see so many testimonies in just a few minutes. I agree that it should be played in church. Kleenex should be mandatory though - how can you not be completely empowered by that??

Thirsty for answers ~ Quenched with His prayerful guidance in everything

Anonymous said...

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